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Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Tattoos are really works of art. Not only that, but they are works of art that everyone will be able to see on your body for the rest of your life

Advantage and Disadvantage of getting  a TATTOO.

Dangers are really relatively low to none, so long as you make sure you are going to a clean shop. The most dangerous thing that can happen (if you go to a shop that has an autoclave, sterile equip., etc.) is possible allergic reaction to the ink, which at most is going to create an unfortunate rash for a couple of weeks.


Disadvantages are personal. Some people regret what they have gotten, and have to get removal. As the last poster said, a quality tat is expensive and they are quite addicting. Some people might judge you based on what you have chosen to get. If you have placement where it is almost always visable (such as the neck), it may hinder your employment opportunities or make you wear a turtleneck even on the hottest summer day.

Advantages are just as personal as the disadvantages. One advantage to me is that I have a constant reminder of things that I hold sacred and true. I also have beautiful art on my body, that I think every open minded person can appreciate. I think that it enhances my personal beauty, and lets me reflect the way I feel inside on the outside (not in the fashion of a billboard, I'm not trying to sell myself!) Heck, if everyone had tattoos to reflect themselves, maybe we could understand each other a little better.

So basically it boils down to the personal way you fell about tattoos individually. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I have mine just like the others on here that hate tattoos. Kind of funny though, you never hear any of us with tattoos saying that untatted people are trashy, ugly, etc. Maybe an advantage I hadn't thought about before is that getting tattooed actually gives you slightly more understanding about the world, then again maybe I'm just reaching now...

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